(June 2024 - Present)
Technical Mentor
Moringa School
constcoder={name:'rodgers ogada',skills:['React', 'React Query', 'Redux', 'Ruby on Rails', 'PostgresSQL', 'Ruby', 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'Ruby', 'Git & GitHub', 'CI/CD ~> Docker & Nginx'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.teamPlayer&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who am I?
My name is RODGERS OGADA. I am a professional and enthusiastic programmer in my daily life. I am a quick learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn and explore new technologies and am passionate about problem-solving. I love almost all the stacks of web application development and love to make the web more open to the world. My core skill is based on JavaScript and I love to do most of the things using JavaScript. I am available for any kind of job opportunity that suits my skills and interests.
(June 2024 - Present)
Technical Mentor
Moringa School
(May 2023 - Present)
Cofounder & Developer
Birdtech Ltd
(April 2023 - May 2023)
Fullstack Development Apprentice
RentScore Africa
(2023 - Present)
Fullstack developer
Surf Mtaani (personal project)
Kodi Homes
constproject={name:'Kodi Homes',tools: ['React', 'Redux', 'React Query', 'Chakra UI],myRole:Frontend Developer,Description: My team and I build an intuitive property management application. The application targets landlords (property owners), property agents/managers, and tenants. It allows for multitenancy as there are separate dashboards for all the user types.,};
Surf Mtaani
constproject={name:'Surf Mtaani',tools: ['ReactJS', 'Tailwind CSS', 'MaterialUI', 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'Redux', 'React Query],myRole:Frontend Developer,Description: Our software streamlines the management of both home and hotspot users, ensuring a seamless experience for ISPs. With advanced features, user-friendly interfaces, and reliable support, you can efficiently handle your customer base and network operations. Trust us to provide the tools you need to enhance your service provision and customer satisfaction.,};
Bird Tech Ltd
constproject={name:'Bird Tech Ltd',tools: ['NextJS', 'SASS', 'JavaScript', 'React Query],myRole:Fullstack Developer,Description: A Kenyan Startup offering a variety of tech products and services.,};
RentScore Africa
constproject={name:'RentScore Africa',tools: ['React', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Ruby on Rails', 'PostGresQL', 'JWT],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: This app is used for tenant scoring purposes. When applying for mortgages, using ones monthly rent to gauge how much they can pay per month is an overlooked metric when calculating mortgage eligibility. The application takes in an the annual MPESA statement for an individual and uses it to score them for mortgage eligibility.,};
Madawa Store
constproject={name:'Madawa Store',tools: ['NextJS', 'TypeScript', 'Material UI', 'Redux', 'React Query', 'Ruby on Rails],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: This is a SaaS application that will serve two primary clients. First, it will be an online store for its primary user, myself, and it will also be available as a SaaS platform for other pharmaceutical dispensing outlets to have an online presence. It will allow for uploading of prescriptions and purchasing of over the counter medication. The application is still in development.,};
2022 - 2023
Software Development Ceritification
Moringa School
2013 - 2019
Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Engineering
Jomo Kenyatta University of agriculture and Technology
© For Rodgers Ogada